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Refund Policy

Players who do not make the team or withdraw from the program before August 10 will be eligible for a refund of season fees, minus a $75 administration fee. To request a refund, players must submit their request via email to Jen Annen. However, refunds will only be issued once all equipment and property belonging to the Beefeaters have been returned in full.

It is important to note that after August 10, no refunds will be issued. In the event that a player quits or is cut from the team, they must return all equipment and property owned by the Beefeaters.

Equipment Policy

All players participating in Beefeaters Football must show respect for the equipment provided by the Club. Taking care of the equipment is crucial to ensure its quality for everyone's use.

Outfitting each athlete with essential and properly fitting gear costs approximately $900. If any equipment is lost, the player will be responsible for replacing it with a new one. It is important to understand that "equipment" refers to any London Beefeaters gear borrowed for the season.

All London Beefeaters property must be returned at the date and time set by the Equipment Manager. If players wish to use their own equipment, they must seek prior approval and sign-off from the Equipment Manager.

If any equipment is found to be faulty, players should immediately report it to the Equipment Manager. By following these guidelines, we can maintain the integrity and safety of our equipment for all players.