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Social Media Policy Guidelines                                                                        

Representing the Canadian Junior Football League, your conference and your club is an honor and a privilege provided to a select group of individuals. Along with that privilege comes a set of expectations and responsibilities as a player or staff member. You are held to a higher standard and are recognized both locally and nationally because you choose to represent this league and your respective club.

Through social media, you are now being monitored by more individuals than ever before, including CJFL fans and members of the media. Everything you do in these forums should positively represent the logo on the front of your jersey and your name on the back of the jersey. Used responsibly, social media can be a great way to interact with friends, fans and the public and promote your club and the CJFL. Used irresponsibly it can be a quick way to destroy your reputation in 140 characters or less!

Some tips and suggestions for using social media responsibly and effectively:

  • DO set your security settings so that only your friends can see your account.
  • DON’T accept friend or follow requests if you are not sure who they are coming from.
  • DO understand that who you have listed as Followers or Friends is a reflection on you.
  • DON’T put anything on social media that you would not want your family, your future employers, those reading the front page of the paper, or the whole world to see.
  • DO think before you post, tweet or retweet – Will this positively reinforce my brand?
  • DON’T post offensive language, personal attacks or racial comments.
  • DO talk to your coach or club director about how to use social media to your advantage.
  • DON’T post when you are emotional, like right after a game. You are more likely to say something you will regret.
  • DO be familiar with the club’s, conference’s or leagues social media policy and the consequences for violating it.
  • DON’T post anything about recruiting, even if it is someone you know, as this will result in an CJFL rules violation.
  • DO ask questions if you are not sure what you are doing is ok.
  • DON’T post anything that could be construed as an endorsement or promotion of a business product or service, even if the business is owned by a relative or friend.
  • DON’T publicize information about your team, the conference or league that is not considered public knowledge.